Who We are

John and Linda Shelton have been married for over 35 years and have served in various ministry roles. They have 3 adult children who are all married. They also have twin granddaughters who are their pride and joy.

What we do

Currently, John & Linda meet with ministry leaders and/or their spouses to offer encouragement, a listening ear, and confidential care. They are looking for land so they can build a place where ministry leaders and their spouses can go and get away for an afternoon or a couple of days and meet with and hear from the Lord. There will be prayer cabins, tiny houses, and walking trails where people can get away from the busyness of ministry and get recharged. John has his Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling which will allow there to be on-site Pastoral Counseling by appointment.

Why we do it

People in ministry face many challenges. Sometimes burnout becomes so prevalent that ministry leaders decide to find another career. Having someone to talk to on a regular basis can be just what a ministry leader or spouse needs to realize that they are doing exactly what God has called them to do. Often they realize that they just need to schedule a consistent time of rest or solitude in order to protect their mental, physical, or spiritual health.